Joel Osteen Shares Tips How to Overcome Grief

Popular evangelist, radio host and senior pastor of the Lakewood megachurch in Houston, Texas Joel Osteen has just shared some Biblical tips on how to get through grief, and it's pretty simple - take things one day at a time.

"Sometimes you think, 'how can I go on another six months, or a year?' But God doesn't ask you to," Osteen told Fox and Friends

He explained that people often think far ahead and neglect the present, but God wants them to just have faith, not worry too much, and remember the good memories. Osteen added that it is important to ask God for strength for the day.

Osteen, 51 is no stranger to grief himself. Back in 1999, he lost his father and said that without faith, grief would have been "very difficult" to overcome.

"I encourage people, even unbelievers, to turn to God. He is the Creator, He has a purpose for us. Nothing we go through is a surprise to Him. God will be there to give you peace and strength, and to bring in new friends and help you get through those times."

He then explained that in Joel Osteen Ministries, he always promotes hope because it is important for people to remain positive about life and be thankful to God even when the going gets rough.

There are a lot of things to be grateful for, so he encouraged people to think of their blessings every time they wake up, because how a person starts his or her day will reflect on how the day will turn out.

"It's easy to think 'Oh man, I don't feel like going to work. I've got all these problems,' or there's so much negativity coming. But if you get up and think well, 'I thank God that I've got my health or my family,' whatever it is I believe when you start the day like that, it's gonna feel better."

The preacher said that everybody has issues in life, and it is important to maintain a positive perspective.

At the same time, Osteen is a strong believer of the "abundant mentality" which helps people focus on their gifts and talents. Because of this, people believe that they should not remain stagnant and continuously work on improving themselves.

"You believe that where you are is not where you're supposed to stay. You have to take the limits off of God, you have to make room for him to do something new in your life," he said.