Childproofing of Liquid Nicotine Pushed by Lawmakers

Those cute little containers beautifully colored and some hunger-triggered smell of the electronic cigarette juice can take away a child's life.

The idea of childpoofing the liquid nicotine bottles was pushed by lawmakers from Connecticut to stamp out reports of children ingesting the very toxic nicotine juice. Poison control centers have been receiving calls of the said issue and noticed the rate of the callers increased profusely, according to NBC News.

Officials have prominently demanded a push for this, or else they will literally ban the production of the nicotine liquid itself. Fox Business reported that manufacturers have been told to follow the packaging of some cleaning materials that are child-resistant and to always put warning signs as a reminder also for adults to be watchful of the hazardous materials and keep as far as possible from kids.

On August 8, state lawyers proposed E-Cigg rules and regulations to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) containing the same rules as marketing of the regular cigarettes and tobaccos. According to PopBuzz, the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association and Altria Group did not comment yet about the poisoning incident.

This law should not only be for the cigarettes manufacturers but also for the smokers out there to be responsible for whatever they are doing for the reason that every children in the world are made curious and they have yet to explore and the elders should always be there to guide them and be an example.