South Korean Soldiers Convicted of Murder of “Private Yoon”

The Republic of Korea Court Martial convicted Sergeants Lee, Hah, and Corporals Lee and Chi for violence and murder of Private Yoon of the 28th regiment. The 4 soldiers were convicted of the equivalent of 2nd degree murder on that they had not planned on killing Private Yoon but that the death could have been prevented.

The prosecution of the 28th regiment of the Republic of Korea Army announced that Private Yoon had become extremely physically weak due to constant beatings from the 4 superiors, the 2 sergeants and 2 corporals.

The soldiers that were accused were enlisted into the armed forces as medics who have received advanced education in the field of medicine and similar or related fields. The court martial stated that despite this education and their knowledge of the human body, and full awareness of the physical state of Private Yoon, there is no denying that the 4 soldiers should be convicted of murder.

Another private first class (PFC) who was brought into the hearing as a witness testified that Sergeant Lee was seen beating another lower ranking trooper while on vacation.

Statements given by other troopers who shared Sergeant Lee and Private Yoon's barracks also proved that the 4 accused soldiers had prevented Private Yoon from going to church on Sundays, forced him from meeting his parents when they visited their unit and even giving him other forms of corporal punishments during break times and holidays.

In light of these recent incidents within the Korean armed forces, the government and the Korean Ministry of Defense are starting a series of training programs regarding human rights in most military units to prevent any future "Private Yoon Incidents". The Ministry of Defense released a number of policies that are designed to give soldiers more rest and mental relaxation during the 22 months of mandatory service. These policies include being able to request vacations, and allowing families to visit at least during holidays for units that are stationed near the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone).

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, two more troopers are reported to have committed suicide outside their unit while on vacation. It is believed the incident happened out of fear of returning to their unit due to violence and persecution from superior troopers who are also draftees just like almost every other Korean soldier.