Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Help Me to Be Awake

Pastor Kim prayer3

"This morning is full of grace! God, I thank you that I am able to greet this blessed morning with your words of grace and your Spirit's guidance. God, even today, you work through those who faithfully spread your word and purpose so that the people of the world will not perish.

I give you praise for saying, "I have made you a watchman ... so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me" (Ezekiel 3:16-27). God, I confess that because of the sense of security and complacency in my salvation and selfishness, I did not share the gospel with those around me, nor did I live out your word. Would you allow me the grace to follow the Spirit's lead and be able to live a life solely devoted to spreading your word.

Just as the watchman quickly learns of danger and alerts others, would you help me first to be awake so that I may discern your will for this generation and in so doing, may I be able to boldly proclaim your truth. I pray that I may proceed on the right path, led by your word and Spirit, and be able to spread the gospel through grace and strength of discernment. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church, a Korean immigrant church in Los Angeles.