Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Your Love Toward Us Never Stops

Pastor Kim prayer18

"God, You delight in giving the most valuable and beautiful things to Your beloved. Praise be to the grace of God; He continues to lead me in His love, despite my countless moments of rebellion and disobedience.

I realize that you've led the Israelites out of Egypt to prevent them from tarnishing your name and that you've commanded them to throw away detestable things and Egypt's idols in order to provide them a beautiful land (Ezekiel 20:1-9). I confess the two conflicting thoughts that are hidden within me, for even as you strictly punish disobedience and rebellion, I can truly sense the love that's in your heart"”for this I thank you.

I need Your grace which leads me to the path of righteousness for Your name's sake, despite my disobedience and rebellion. As such, today, help me to live an obedient life in accordance with the word of life, as I respond to Your love, salvation, compassion, and holiness. As I delight in God's protection and intervention, I pray that today may be a day which solely glorifies you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.