Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Cooperating and Serving with Love and Joy

Pastor Kim prayer24

"God, the source of joy! I give thanks for blessing the fellowship among brothers and sisters in Christ that abounds with faith and love and that builds each other up. Thank you that you allow us to find joy in cooperation, of serving each other in love.

Paul, who sent Timothy so that the Thessalonians may remain steadfast in faith even in the midst of suffering, was encouraged as he heard of the news of their faith and love and prayed that he may be blameless until the Lord's coming (1 Thess 3:1-13). As I reflect on the way Paul prayed through this passage, I look back on what I should worry about, what I should be encouraged by, and what I should live for.

More than advising others through mere words, I desire to take initiative and exemplify service to fellowship with my family in Christ, and cooperate in a way that is full of hope and joy. Each time we meet, may we encourage each other in the Lord's love, firmly establish the word of God and faith, encourage love and good deeds, and become a community that prays together with joy and thanksgiving. I pray in Jesus Christ's name, who helps us to stay firmly grounded in faith and love. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.