Texas High School Principal to No Longer Lead Prayer Event After Complaints From Anti-Religion Group

The principal of a public high school in Texas has agreed to dissociate himself from the "See You at the Pole" school prayer event after complaints from an anti-religion organization.

Greg Wright, principal of Prosper High School, has led prayer and devotionals at "See You at the Pole," an annual prayer event.

However, parent Janie Oyakawa filed a complaint with Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF)-- a Wisconsin-based anti-religion organization-- regarding Wright's involvement in religious activities at the high school. FFRF, then, sent a letter to Superintendent Drew Watkins, asserting that faculty and school officials should not be leading prayer events or initiating the formation of religious clubs at the high school.

"When a teacher or principal is on school property as part of the school day, even if it is before the official 8:24 a.m. start, they are there for their official duties, just as students are. School staffers cannot lead, encourage, or participate in student-led religious activity. And any religious event or religious club at a PISD school must be genuinely student-led," FFRF's letter read.

Complaints were also made regarding religious symbols that were displayed in the assistant principal's office.

"We understand that PHS Assistant Principal Grant displays a Latin cross and a plaque about god in her office," the letter said. "That these displays are in Grant's office is immaterial. Students enter her office regularly and the displays are orientated towards those student visitors."

School District attorney Charles Crawford announced that Wright will no longer be speaking at the "See You at the Pole events" and that officials will not "prominently display religious materials in school buildings where students are likely to be present," according to Christian Today.