Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Standing Firm in the Truth

Pastor Kim prayer25

"God who is with us with consolation and hope! We thank you that you allow us to begin this day with the joy of salvation and gratitude as we revere the Lord who will return soon.

You will glorify the people of God upon your return and judge the man of lawlessness and unbelievers. Through your exhortation to stand firm in the word of truth in 2 Thess. 2:1-17, we are reminded of the steadfast love that is fostered by the power of the gospel. Would you help us to have clear knowledge and conviction of the Bible concerning Jesus who will return to us. Would you grant us the spiritual power to avoid being deceived by Satan's false teachings and to be able to discern the current times.

We earnestly desire to witness the power of the gospel as true believers. Would you lead me with the gospel and help me to experience the Lord of salvation even in the problems we confront. Yearning to bring you glory as I live a life of faith that waits for the coming of the Lord, only according to the gospel and without being carried away from its path, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.