Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Wisdom in Discernment

Pastor Kim prayer35

"God who gives grace to the honest-hearted to live a beautiful life and to have righteous faith! I thank you that you lead us to live in honesty and help us to properly discern the situations we face.

Today's passage teaches us that we should live righteously before the Lord, because improper thoughts lead to quarrels and distorted hearts bring forth calamity and suffering (Prov 17:13-28). We realize that we have had relationship issues because we have failed to discern situations correctly due to our self-centered ways of thinking.

Help us to regard the word of the Lord as our standard and walk along the righteous path, with our gaze properly set. Help us to discern and know what is evil, and help us to keep far from it. And help us to live honestly.

Would you give us the grace to not be shaken in any circumstance and to live with honest hearts. Today, with upright spiritual discernment, may we know your will and act accordingly. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.