Pastor Kim's Daily Prayer: Cultivate More Generosity in Me

Pastor Kim prayer36

"God who extends grace regardless of the situation! I give thanks for you delight in those who act with generosity, faithfulness, and wisdom.

I thank you for teaching me that obeying Your commands while being honest and faithful despite being poor is what helps us to guard the spirit, and that helping the poor is to lend to the Lord (Prov 19:1-17). Would you give me the grace that enables me to manifest the wisdom of the word as I interact with various people.

I earnestly desire that you rule over my character and life with your words of wisdom, that I may grow to be a faithful, generous, honest, and diligent child of God. Today, as I strive to lead a holy and wise life, may I fully experience the grace of God, who manifests the true value of wisdom in supporting the weak. I pray all these things in Jesus' name. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.