Majority of Americans Believe in Supernatural Healing, According to a Recent Survey

Two-thirds of Americans believe in supernatural physical healing, according to a recent survey.

According to the findings of the Barna Group's recent survey, the majority of Americans believe that God can heal physical ailments supernaturally.

Among those who believe God can supernaturally heal, 33 percent strongly agree and 33 percent somewhat agree that it is possible. The remaining one-third of participants were doubtful:19 percent strongly disagreed while 15 percent somewhat disagreed that God can heal people supernaturally.

The results revealed that while there is consensus across generational groups among those who strongly agree on the possibility of supernatural healing, Millennials (25 percent) were found to be more skeptical than the Elders (13 percent).

Evangelicals were the most likely group to believe, with 87 percent strongly agreeing that people can be healed supernaturally. Additionally, Protestants (55 percent) were three times more likely to believe than were Catholics (19 percent). This stark contrast is "one of the more significant divides between these two groups," that the Barna Group claims to have seen in its data historically.

Furthermore, over one-quarter (27 percent) of Americans have experienced supernatural healing from physical ailments. Evangelicals (48 percent) are still the most likely to claim to have experienced supernatural healing, compared to those of other faiths, like Islam and Judaism (14) and those who ascribe to no religion, including agnostics (8 percent).

The results of this survey challenge the notion that supernatural healing is uncommon and that one of skepticism is the dominant attitude of Americans today.

"In a post-religious, scientifically-driven culture, these high levels of belief in the miraculous may come as a surprise to many," says Barna Group editor in chief Roxanne Stone. "But being sick personally, or having someone you love face a serious illness, is one of the most vulnerable and devastating experiences of a person's life. It's a moment that drives many"”even those who do not believe in God"”to their knees in desperation. Many people seek God in that space when they may not otherwise. This is an opportunity for church leadership to come alongside people and guide them in these spiritual experiences."