Pastor Blasts ‘Demonic’ Evolution Teaching, Says ‘Imperfect’ Christians Will Be Raptured

Pastor Blasts ‘Demonic’ Evolution Teaching, Says ‘Imperfect’ Christians Will Be Raptured

A minister criticized the demonic theory of evolution, pointing out that God created man in His own image and are meant to eventually join Him in heaven.

According to The Christian Post, Dr. Jimmy Evans, senior pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Texas, was a guest preacher on Sunday at Fellowship Church, headed by Pastor Ed Young.

In the sermon titled "The Right Side of the Levee," Evans preached about the End Times, which has been predicted in the Bible.

The pastor began his message by emphasizing the value of man compared to the other creations of God.

"You were made in the image of God and you are God's family. You came from God, He lives inside of you and you are going to God. Your life could not be more meaningful than it is," he said.

Evans shared that the first two chapters of the Bible, as well as its last two chapters, state that man was created to live with God in paradise.

"God wants to live with us eternally. We are His eternal family," he declared.

Further, he stressed that man is so valuable to God that He allowed Jesus Christ to go through the most painful experience one could ever have, just so man can be saved from sins.

He added that understanding the depth of God's love can be "hard to process" for many. But like the toddlers who would do annoying things but are still loved by their parents simply because they are their children, God also loves people so much in spite of their issues because they came from Him.

"He sees past what's on you. He sees what's in you," he said.

As stated in Psalm 139, the pastor reiterated that God knitted man in his mother's womb.

"God adores you more than any human parent has ever loved you," he added, citing Matthew 7:11.

Further, Evans stated that God gave man the free will, which he can use against Him as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden, because He values consensual relationship.

He pointed out that there is nothing addictive in doing godly things, such as worship and prayer, because God only values what people do if they do it by choice.

On the other hand, everything in the kingdom of the enemy is addictive because the devil does not care anything about man but only wants to destroy his life.

In Ephesians 2:1-10, the minister highlighted the great love of God for people, wherein He showed His love "even when [they] were dead in trespasses."

Sharing the story of a woman who struggled with her baby and concerned that she may be left out in the rapture out of it, Evans stressed that man is saved by grace and salvation is not earned.

"We all had issues and when Jesus comes, we are all be imperfect. If you know Jesus, you're gonna get raptured. If you know Jesus, you're going to heaven. There's only one qualification in knowing Jesus Christ - we are saved by grace, not by ourselves. No one can brag, it is the gift of God," he declared.

Comparing the coming of Christ to a Jewish wedding, Evans reminded that the world is about to go through a seven-year tribulation, wherein the people will experience the "worst seven years on earth."

While only a quarter of the world's population are Christians today, the minister believes that a huge number of people will get saved during the tribulation and the rapture "will be the greatest evangelistic event in the history of the world."