'Terminator 5: Genisys' Release Date & Cast: What We Need to Know About Upcoming Movie

One of the most anticipated films this summer is Terminator Genisys, which will mark Arnold Schwarzenegger's fifth Terminator movie.

A lot of changes and updates have been incorporated into the new film, including a new cast. Schwarzenegger will no doubt breathe life to the Terminator again, but other familiar names will be played by other stars this time around.

Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke will be Sarah Connor, Jason Clarke will play her son John Connor, and Jai Courtney will be Kyle Reese. Other cast members include Matt Smith, Jason Clarke, Byung-hun Lee, Douglas Smith.

The story will begin this time in 2029 when John Connor is already leading mankind to fight against the Skynet machine invasion. But Skynet rightfully anticipates its defeat and constructs the model T-1000 and the new T-800 terminators to travel back to the past and prevent the birth of John Connor.

Their plan was to assassinate his nine-year-old mother, Sarah Connor. In response, John also sends T-101 to travel back in time to save his mother's life and make sure he lives. He even sends his lieutenant Kyle Reese to assist T-101 in his mission. Of course, he also knows that Kyle Reese is his own father.

The machines managed to wreak havoc into Sarah Connor's life by killing her parents, but Sarah herself was saved. She teams up with the machine John sent from the future and trains with him in order to defeat the two terminators who claimed the lives of her parents.

The film, directed by Alan Taylor has already received rave reviews in anticipation of its release date, according to Movie Web, especially since its script has already been leaked online.

Fans are anticipating that there will be 10 to 15 minutes of action before Reese travels back to the past, then 20 minutes of the film dedicated for Future Wars, and another 40 minutes to 1984.

"Of course you know Skynet isn't going to go out without a fight. This is when a new and very powerful threat appears. As action packed and exciting as the first two portions of the movie are, the third portion of the movie has even more non-stop big explosive action with tons of destruction and surprises," someone named Greg said.

Another reviewer named Jay said that he was "pleasantly surprised" by the script, and said it feels more like a real Terminator movie, unlike Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation.

"The atmosphere feels gritty and exciting, especially in the future war scenes. I really hope they can do it justice onscreen. This also plays out like no other Terminator film yet in the fact it's not set in one time period from start to finish with a single villain to deal with," he said.