Ken Ham Criticizes NASA’s Search for E.T.s

Supernova |

(Photo : NASA/CXC/SAO)

Ken Ham, the well-known CEO of the famous Creation Museum and the head of Answers in Genesis has criticized NASA's attempts search for extra-terrestrial life through a blog post through Answers in Genesis.

Dr. Ham and his ministry focus on believing in a literal translation of the Bible and have worked to fight against the spread of Evolution and to further research creation science. Ham stated that because nowhere in the Bible is a passage that talks about intelligent life outside of the earth, NASA and other secular scientists' efforts to find such forms of life are not only futile but even an act of rebellion against God.

"I'm shocked at the countless hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent over the years in the desperate and fruitless search for extraterrestrial life," Ham wrote in a blog post for Answers in Genesis on Sunday. "Of course, secularists are desperate to find life in outer space, as they believe that would provide evidence that life can evolve in different locations and given the supposed right conditions! The search for extraterrestrial life is really driven by man's rebellion against God in a desperate attempt to supposedly prove evolution!"

On the other hand, a number of NASA scientists have commented that extra-terrestrial life forms will soon be discovered by the next generation of space telescopes that will soon be takin into orbit. For instance, the James Webb Space Telescope which will be sent to a point between the Earth and the Sun where the probe will scan the atmospheres of distant planets of other stars.

Ham suggested that worldly scientists or "Old Earth" scientists cannot allow the Earth or humanity to be special as the Bible points out. He explained that this is because if Earth was the only planet in the entire vast universe that houses life, then it would have evolved in other worlds also.

The CEO of the Creation Museum even went on to suggest that the discovery of intelligent life outside the Earth may even take meaning away from the Gospel message. If there were aliens living on other planets, then Adam's Original Sin would have affected the extra-terrestrial worlds also. However, then these aliens would not be able to receive salvation through the Cross because they are not Adam's descendants.

Other religious leaders have not clearly expressed their positions on the question of the existence of intelligent life outside the Solar System and what that would mean to the Christian community. For instance, the Pope Francis talked about this very issue and stated that if a Martian were ever to come to Earth and declared he wanted to be baptized, then the Catholic Church will surely allow it.