'The Program' Movie: Lance Armstrong Compares Self to Voldemort [Watch Trailer Here]

Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong |

The story of American former professional cyclist Lance Armstrong, who was earlier disgraced because of his improper use of performance-enhancing drugs will be told in the new movie called "The Program."

He is played by actor Ben Foster, who bears an uncanny resemblance to the cyclist who was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and a 2000 Olympic bronze medal, according to the United Kingdom newspaper The Telegraph.

"Inside each and every one of us is something more potent or powerful than any drug. It's called the will to survive," a voice-over reads in the movie trailer. It shows Armstrong as he gains riches and fame because of his athletic prowess. However, it all comes crumbling down when his lie was finally exposed.

"Winning was in his blood," the trailer lastly teased.

As for Armstrong, he feels it is totally unfair that he has been deemed as cycling's pariah, and even found similarities to a popular fictional character - Harry Potter's nemesis Lord Voldemort.

"I'm that guy everybody wants to pretend never lived," he said. "But it happened, everything happened. We know what happened. Now it's swung so far the other way...who's that character in Harry Potter they can't talk about? Voldemort? It's like that on every level. If you watch the Tour on American TV, if you read about it, it's as if you can't mention him."

But Armstrong said that things will change eventually. "It will not be the case forever because it can't be the case forever," he added. "That won't work, people aren't stupid."

He now lives a life completely shut from the outside world, but it's quite a luxurious life. He moves to and from his houses in Austin and Aspen and spends his leisure time playing golf. Armstrong also prefers to keep only close friends and family with him, given the ongoing lawsuits as well as the threats and intimidation hurled his way.

It has been quite a while since Armstrong last rode on the road, and he has decided not to touch his bike again before riding on the Tour route next month.

In fact, he has completely avoided cycling - be it on television, social media, or the internet in general. Armstrong added that he has "no idea" who would even win the Tour.

When asked simply if he has fallen out of love with cycling, the infamous public figure replied: "More or less."