Jennifer Lawrence Interviews: 'Mockingjay: Part 2' Stars Gets Called An 'Idiot' For Her Thoughts About Kim Davis, A Donald Trump Presidency

Jennifer Lawrence Guest Stars on German Show
Jennifer Lawrence guested starred on German show "Wetten, dass..?" at Graz, Austria on November 2014. |

"Mockingjay: Part 2" star Jennifer Lawrence has been called a lot of things, but when she recently voiced out her thoughts about a Donald Trump presidency and the shame she felt when Rowan county clerk Kim Davis refused to sign same-sex marriage certificates, she was called an "idiot" by Fox hosts.

During an interview with Vogue, the actress said that even though she was raised as a Republican, she cannot imagine supporting a party or candidate who does not support women's basic rights.

"It's 2015 and gay people can get married and we think that we've come so far, so, yay! But have we? I don't want to stay quiet about that stuff," she said.

Lawrence is not afraid to speak her mind despite the backlash she will receive afterwards, so she fearlessly aired her thoughts on Trump and Davis.

"My view on the election is pretty cut-and-dried," she said. "If Donald Trump is president of the United States, it will be the end of the world. And he's also the best thing to happen to the Democrats ever."

As for Davis, she told interviewers not to "even say her name in this house."

Lawrence said that she has encountered people who are similar to Davis in her hometown, and she does not believe they are right.

"(She is a) lady who makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky. All those people holding their crucifixes, which may as well be pitchforks, thinking they're fighting the good fight," she further said. "I grew up in Kentucky. I know how they are."

According to Politicususa, the hosts from "Outnumbered" were infuriated by the comments made by Lawrence, and they tore the actress down during the program.

Andrea Tantaros said on the show, "Wow, I'm embarrassed for Jennifer Lawrence, I'm embarrassed to be a woman, Harris, to listen to a female spout some idiocy."

Her co-host Harris Faulkner agreed, although he said it took a while for him to digest her comments. "I just - I don't believe it's reality," he said.

And Tantaros quipped, "These are pretty dumb remarks. She insulted quite a few people in that rant that she did, Stephen. I just want to know what rights does Jennifer Lawrence not have?"

Stephen Hayes argued that Lawrence has the right to say whatever she wants, but he noted that, "If you don't have anything intelligent to say, you're better off remaining quiet."