'Fast & Furious' Spinoff Movies: Vin Diesel Says They're Going To 'Treat It With A Lot of Class'

Vin Diesel Attends Film Festival
Actor Vin Diesel attended a film festival in 2006. |

Not only is "Furious 7" star Vin Diesel thinking about making the eighth installment to "The Fast & Furious" franchise, but he is also thinking about the steps they will be taking to make "The Fast & Furious" spinoff films.

"We've written out story lines for various characters," Diesel revealed during an interview with Variety. "We've been playing with it for a long time. It's a very rich property and we're committed to treating it with a lot of class."

He did not say yet which characters will be getting their own standalone films, but Dwayne Johnson did hint in the past that he would like to see his character, Diplomatic Security Service agent Luke Hobbs take on his own adventures.

Universal Pictures Chairman Donna Langley said that they are giving their full support to the spinoff films, and they hope it will broaden the franchise's audience base.

"We're certainly in conversations about how we can expand the franchise now," said Langley. "It's an ensemble cast and there's room to bring characters in and out."

Many fans of "The Fast & Furious" are eager to see crazy car races and stunts, but for the spinoff films, it will be a bit more toned down.

"You can't keep having every movie have bigger and bigger stunts forever and ever and ever," said Jeff Shell, chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group. "Eventually you have to really focus on the story. We'll still have big stunts but bringing in this amazing storyteller is going to be great."

Shell added that Diesel sees only three more movies left in "The Fast & Furious" franchise, but he thinks that the number can still be negotiated with.

"Vin has a vision in his mind for three more, so let's get three more done and then see where we are from there," said Shell. "Everything has an end, so I don't think our expectation is we're going to have a hundred of them... To me 'Fast and Furious' has become no different than a beloved series that comes on every year."

Meanwhile, the late actor Paul Walker will no longer be a part of the next few films, but Ron Meyer, vice-chairman of NBC Universal said that they will find some way to incorporate him in the storyline.

"Paul won't be in it, but he'll be represented in some form or another but whether his image is in it, I can't tell you yet, but he won't be in the film as a performer, as an actor, the way we did it last time," said Meyer. "It will still be 'Fast and Furious,' it will just be without Paul."