'Captain America: Civil War' Spoilers: Joe and Anthony Russo Discuss Clues and Secrets They Revealed in the Trailer

'Captain America: Civil War'
'Captain America: Civil War' hits theaters on May 6, 2016. |

There are several interesting details revealed in the trailer for "Captain America: Civil War," which fans are dying to know more of.

Directing duo Joe and Anthony Russo are now openly talking about it in an interview with Empire, and shared some interesting facts to

Marvel fans.

One of the most prominent things seen in the trailer are the "Sokovia Accords: Framework for the Registration and Deployment of Enhanced Individuals," said Joe.

"The Accords are the world jointly trying to govern the Avengers moving forward," he further explained. "It has to do with the effects of Ultron and Sokovia (the small city that Ultron tried to drop on the Earth from a great height at the end of 'Age of Ultron'), and New York City (roundly trashed at the end of 'The Avengers'), and Washington D.C. (nearly devastated by falling helicarriers at the end of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'). Examining the third acts of all the Marvel movies, we're saying, if you could point to the collateral damage in all those incidents, could you use that against the Avengers to control them?"

Meanwhile, fans also noticed the return of William Hurt as General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Joe said that the return of the "Incredible Hulk" character is actually no coincidence.

"We thought it would be interesting to take a character who had a fanatical anti-superhero point of view. Now he's become much savvier and more political and has put himself in a position of power, not unlike a Colin Powell. He's cornering the Avengers politically now, he's out-maneuvering them," he said.

One of the most powerful scenes they ever did for the film was the helicopter scene with lead star Chris Evans, since it showcases not just his physical struggles but also his emotional turmoil.

"He's hanging onto that helicopter for an extremely passionate reason. In stories you'll read where a mother will lift a car off a child," said Joe. "There's something very important happening in that scene and for us it really represented his struggle as a character, one man pitted against a helicopter that's trying to take off. Can he stop it? And what are the limits of his strength?"

And lastly, fans finally got their first glimpse of Chadwick Boseman's character Black Panther in full costume. The Russo brothers said that "it's a combination of a practical costume and VFX. It's a vibranium weave, a mesh, almost like a chainmail. Luminescence is something we have to do in post."

Joe did not reveal whose side the Black Panther is on, but he did say that the character has his own motivations to deal with, and he bumps head with Steve Rogers and his crew for a "very different reason" than the others.