Risk Of Children Dying From Vaccines Exponentially Higher Than From COVID Itself, Report Says

child getting vaccinated

"For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot." This is the argument of one certain Toby Rogers, who describes himself as a "revolutionary" and "political economist." In a blog post on his Substack page, Rogers questions the risk of inoculating children with the COVID vaccine.

According to NOQ Report, Rogers wrote about how he read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) "Guidance for Health Economics Studies Presented to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2019 Update," during which he had a realization: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision to grant emergency use authorization to Pfizer's pediatric COVID shot for kids aged 5 to 11 "violates many of the principles of the CDC's Guidance document."

Rogers said that the CDC's 2019 guidance, which was developed way before the COVID pandemic hit, listed 23 sections and elements that must be included in the "documents describing the methods and results of an economic analysis." Among the 23 listed factors, Rogers zeroed in on the ninth, which is "Health outcomes."

"Health outcomes," according to the CDC, "must be clearly identified (e.g., deaths, hospitalizations, outpatient visits, QALYs, number needed to vaccinate)." The guidelines from 2019 also offered an explanation as to how the "Number Needed to Vaccinate" or NNTV should be calculated. It said that there are two ways to do this.

One is a model-based approach in which NNTV is equal to "the size of the vaccinated cohort" divided by "the predicted number of events, such as cases or deaths, that are prevented in the vaccinated cohort over its lifetime." Another way is the formula-based approach in which NNTV is equal to one divided by the "annual incidence of event in the unvaccinated" multiplied by "vaccine effectiveness."

The CDC recommends using the model-based approach because "it can more easily account for additional attributes of the vaccine and vaccine preventable disease, such as the time-frame of risks for unvaccinated individual, and herd-immunity, provided herd-immunity is captured by the model."

Rogers claims that the FDA failed to provide an NNTV in its risk-benefit document for pediatric COVID vaccines. He also claims that Big Pharma "hates talking about NNTV" when it comes to COVID vaccines because the jabs "could not pass any honest risk-benefit analysis." Rogers determined his own NNTV analysis, coming to the conclusion that the NNTV among kids will be even higher because "the lower the risk, the higher the NNTV to prevent a single bad outcome."

Rogers continued to present data, saying that about 31.7 million people aged 12 to 24 have gotten at least one COVID shot and since May 10, there were 128 reports of fatal side effects after getting the mRNA shot in those aged 12 to 24. He then multiplied 128 with a factor of 41 because a group of people estimated that the VAERS database undercounts fatal reactions by a factor of 41.

The result is 5,248, which is an estimate of how many children are at risk for death after getting the Pfizer COVID shot if health authorities want to save 45 children from dying from COVID.

Despite having the pediatric COVID shot readily available for the 5 to 11 age group, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted in October showed that 30% of parents of children aged 5 to 11 will "definitely not" have them vaccinated against COVID, Forbes reported. Only 5% said they will do so if it is required, and 33% have decided to "wait and see." 76% of parents said they were concerned about the vaccine's side effects, while 71% cited serious side effects as their biggest concern, followed by fertility concerns with 66%.