Top 4 Grossing Movies Include “Noah” and “God’s Not Dead”

God's Not Dead Poster
God's Not Dead Poster

God's Not Dead Poster
God's Not Dead Poster

"Noah" and "God's Not Dead" made it into the top 4 grossing movies last weekend. "Noah" took second place while the latter took 4th. The results were rather remarkable considering this is the weekend that saw the release of "Captain America: Winter Soldier", which made over 90 million dollars already.

The most surprising fact is that a low budget film, "God's Not Dead" was able to attain such a high box office ranking. It was expanded into over 1,700 theaters from the initial 1,000 screens from its premiere week.

"God's Not Dead" was produced by Pure Fix Entertainment and Red Entertainment Group and was directed by Harold Cronk. The cast included Shane Harper who was most known for his role as Hercules, and Disney actor Shane Harper who acted in "Good Luck Charlie" which drew up a great deal of controversy among parents and believers as it was the first Disney TV series to depict married gay couples.