Pastor Shares How You Can Reignite Your Fire For God

burning bush

The passion for God is significant in order to experience His power in supernatural ways. Thus the need to maintain the fire for Him burning. But what if it fades? A minister declared that revival is necessary in order to "rekindle a dead spiritual life," sharing the ways of reigniting deep desire for the LORD.

"Revival is when we till the soil of our heart[s] through brokenness, humility and surrender via fasting, prayer and obedience," Shane Idleman, an author and pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship, wrote on Charisma Magazine.

"Like all Christians, if we're not diligent, disciplined and desperate, the fire of God can begin to fade. But there is hope," he also said.

He then advised three things on how to reignite the passion for God.

First, God's presence should be "sought not fought."

Citing His works in Isaiah 19:1 and Matthew 3:11, Idleman noted that though the fire of God is "frightening" to His enemies, it is good for believers. Hence, the latter must seek the presence of the LORD.

"The fire of God should be sought, not fought against; embraced, not omitted; allowed, not forbidden," he emphasized.

He lamented the jealousy of people who are cold on God towards "legitimate spiritual awakenings", saying that their complaints on church activities, such as attending a worship service or how it's done, actually show their "lack of spiritual hunger."

"Yes, I've heard these excuses and many more from those with hard, calloused hearts. The very thing they need is the precise thing they are running from-God's manifest presence ... His revival fire," the pastor argued.

He suggested that these individuals, who "have left their first love," must repent and pray in order to "rebuild their intimacy with God," citing Matthew 6:6 and a statement from David M. McIntrye.

Next, being desperate for God.

Like the "starving" prodigal son who returned home to his father in Luke 15:11-31, Idleman contended that those who seek for the LORD must have the desperation for Him.

"When God opens the heavens through a spiritual awakening, it's always because Christians spent countless hours praying and fasting," he observed.

As written in Hebrews 11:6, he reminded that God rewards those people who are diligently seeking Him.

 "God is no respecter of persons but He is a respecter of principles-the principle of repentance is life-altering. We must confess that our fire has faded and ask God to rekindle it," the pastor stated, recalling a statement from A. W. Tozer.

Finally, not fearing the fire.

Idleman underscored that though there are some who misrepresented Him through disturbing behavior, there is nothing unpleasant with God's presence.

"In the midst of pain, there is relief. In suffering, there is sweet surrender. In fear, there is incredible joy. In uncertainty, there is a God who will never leave nor forsake. In the midst of confusion and chaos, there is stability and hope," he explained.

Further, he encouraged the people to surrender their concerns to the LORD and drink from the "Fountain of Living Water" for them to "never thirst again," as John 4:14 states.

"When your fire fades, ask God to reignite it," Idleman concluded.