President Russell M. Nelson talks at 192nd General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

34th Annual National Pastor's and Workers' Conference

President Russell M. Nelson opened the October 2022 general conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Salt Lake City.

The Church News reported that President Russell M. Nelson talked about the state of the denomination and the importance on focusing on the temple. The article also said that during his speech, Nelson announced that the church will have 18 new locations.

The president of the denomination also talked about the upcoming new season of the Book of Mormon Videos.

The religious news outlet also reported that President Nelson talked about the views of the church when it comes to abuse, saying that it is a sin and an influence of the adversary. He said that, "Let me be perfectly clear: Any kind of abuse of women, children or anyone is an abomination to the Lord."

Further, the president said that God is the "source of all truths" and the people responsible for making any abuse possible will be held accountable to God.

President Russell M. Nelson, The Oldest President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

In another article, Church News pointed out the fact that the president gave his address while sitting on a chair in front of the podium.

President Nelson is 98 years old and the church says that he is the "longest-living Apostle in this dispensation."

President Russell M. Nelson is the 17th and current president of the denomination. He came to the position at the age of 93 after serving the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 34 years. During his service, he went to over 133 countries to establish churches in Eastern Europe and China.

He also served the governing committees of the denomination, namely the Missionary Executive Council, the Temple and Family History Executive Council and the Priesthood and Family Executive Council.

The denomination recognizes President Nelson as the best writer in the Quorum of the Twelve during his time there. Also, that he is a person who constantly engages and listens with people.

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Those who he worked with over the years in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles only had positive comments about the president.

Apart from his work with the church, he is also a renowned surgeon. He has doctoral degrees from the University of Utah and University of Minnesota. According to the article, he is also credited with the development of the artificial heart-lung machine.

October 2022 General Conference

The 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints consisted of give general sessions that happened from Saturday to Sunday, October 1 to 2 at Salk Lake City.

During the event, the President of the church, the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as well as other Church leaders gave their messages.

The long list of speakers includes President Dallin H. Oaks, Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Sister Kristin M. Yee, and Bishop Gérald Caussé, among others.

It featured talks about Jesus Christ, philanthropy, stewardship, global diversity, and even racism.

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