London School of Economics Eliminates Christmas, Lent & Easter from Academic Calendar, Sparking Debate on Wokeness Influence in Universities

Eliminate, change

The London School of Economics (LSE) in the United Kingdom is undergoing a significant change in its academic calendar. To reflect its diverse and international student body, the school has removed historical Christian terms from its schedule.

Michaelmas, Christmas, Lent, and Easter will no longer be used to label its terms and breaks. Instead, the terms will be referred to as "autumn term," "winter break," "winter term," and "spring break." This shift aims to create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive environment for all students at the LSE.

Removal of Christian Terms in London School of Economics

The removal of Christian terms from the London School of Economics academic calendar has sparked discussions about its impact on freedom of religion. While removing these terms may have been made to promote inclusivity and accommodate the beliefs of students from diverse religious backgrounds, it has also been argued that it goes against the principles of religious freedom.

According to LBC, the London School of Economics has decided to change some of the traditional Christian terms in its academic calendar to more inclusive and widely-recognized terminology. The change, which aims to reflect better the international community and global engagement of the LSE, has caused controversy among those who believe it undermines the principles of religious freedom.

However, the LSE argues that it is an effort to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for all students regardless of their religious or non-religious beliefs. Some have criticized this shift in terminology as a reflection of the influence of the "church of woke," a new religious cult that is perceived as being more dogmatic than Christianity. The LSE's decision highlights the ongoing debates around religious expression and the role of universities in promoting diversity and inclusivity.

In the article in Yahoo! News, Simon Calvert, deputy director at The Christian Institute, argues that Christians and those with traditional views are increasingly being silenced and bullied, especially in institutions that were initially founded on Christian principles.

He sees the LSE's decision as an example of "virtue-signaling nonsense" that creates exclusion in the name of inclusivity. Calvert's comments echo the concerns of others who believe that Christians are being pushed from the public square and that the problem is only getting worse. The debate highlights the ongoing tensions between promoting diversity and inclusivity and respecting religious freedom and tradition.

Also Read: China's Christians Stand Strong Amid Calls to Abandon Christmas Celebration 

What is the Church of Woke?

The comparison of the "Church of Woke" to Christianity highlights the similarities in their beginnings as a threat to the established authority and the pursuit of conversion as a means of creating a newly chosen people. Christianity was seen as a threat to the Roman Empire and faced persecution for two centuries before eventually converting the emperor and taking over the state.

According to CSS, similarly, the Church of Woke demands a complete rebirth of the individual, and their conversion is seen as a transformation and purification of the person. Christianity and the Church of Woke require their converts to focus their life energy on their mission, whether it be spreading the gospel or promoting social justice. The deep story of their rise demonstrates the power of conversion and its role in shaping a new reality and creating a new chosen people.

Related Article: Bishop Resists 'Woke' Revision of Classic Christmas Carol at Inclusive Church