California Revival Should Push Churches To Reopen And Gather The Harvest: Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo preaching to a strong crowd in Modesto, California
Mario Murillo preaching to a strong crowd in Modesto, California. |

Dynamic preacher Mario Murillo rattled the cage again in his Sunday post about the Great Harvest that awaits many churches who have yet to reopen amid the advances of God's enemies.

"Someone who is reading this right now is going to seize the greatest opportunity of their life. Americans want Christ in record numbers," he wrote in his blog. "Meanwhile, the church-from the mega-sized to the tiny-continues to act as if Americans hate God and need to be coddled when it comes to Truth."

This is in reference to the defeatist attitude that he has observed among Christians in response to the successive madness that have happened in America the past months.

"The Church is behaving as if we can never confront and conquer the leftist agenda," he commented.

Murillo argued that for the church to fail to confront the evil in the world through their teachings, is to also lose sight of the harvest.

For him, when preachers only arrange their messages for believers, then it shows that they are oblivious to what's happening. He believes that no matter how lofty and motivating the message is, if it ignores the harvest, it is doomed to failure.

"Mr. Fauci tells you the vaccination will save you, but you must keep wearing the mask. We see him as a buffoon for that kind of double talk. But how is the preacher who masks the Gospel any different?" Murillo said.

"Wake up church! Woke Corporations are clueless," wrote the pastor in his desire to shake off the lethargy that has blanketed the Church in America.

"Swooning professional sports and billionaire athletes are comatose. The standups on late night television, Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Corden, Maher and Meyers do not know America. The MSNBC, and CNN echo chambers do not know America. Al Jazeera does not know America. Neither Bloomberg nor Soros know America. And who knows what Biden does not know..."

"The harvest was way bigger than we thought"

Murillo asserts that the real America wants Jesus. Now that the whole country is in a time of distress, many people were left hopeless and that their hearts have softened to the Gospel. If the Church is paying attention, then they should see this as an opportune time to turn eyes and hearts to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

"California is supposed to be the worst place in the world for the Gospel. So then, why did the conversions in Fresno, Bakersfield, and now Modesto, create a crisis of shortages?" challenged the California-based minister.

Last week, two thousand people in Modesto showed up for the tent crusade held by the Murillo's team. The people's responses were overwhelming as recounted by Murillo. After the first sermon, many went forward to surrender themselves to Christ. But it did not end there. Murillo preached a second sermon which became the precursor to the healing of many who have put their faith in God.

"Before I walk into that tent, I see those people already healed. I see the drug addicts already delivered. I have already won the war, alone with God," he explained. He also did some confession and repentance over possible ill intention left in his heart. His team was also instructed to guard their hearts against jealousy and to be in an attitude of prayer for the whole afternoon as Murillo preaches.

"And Christ must defeat my flesh. And if He defeats me, and my flesh, then He can work through me to defeat the powers of darkness," he noted.

On the recent revival, Murillo reasoned that the people were also hungry, but that they do not need "bells and whistles or any kind of diluted message." He urged the church to shake any conditioning in their mind that majority of Americans do not want God. They do, and Murillo state that what happened in California should be taken as a rebuke to the Church in America for its complacency at a time when the harvest was ripe.

"The hunger in California is a rebuke-a stern rebuke to those who refuse to reopen and gather the harvest," he concluded.