Arkansas Couple Thanks God For Their 70 Years Of Marriage

Christine and Fred Ivers
A screenshot of Christine and Fred Ivers, an Arkansas couple who thanked God for 70 years of marriage. |

A couple in Arkansas celebrated seven decades of marriage, recognizing God as the reason behind the lasting relationship.

Fred and Christine Ivers had their 70th wedding anniversary on May 26, KTAL NBC 6 reported.

When they were younger, Christine, who just graduated from high school, met Fred at a basketball game. She was 17 at that time while the latter was 21.

They did not hit it off on their first encounter but their love developed over some time.

"We grew into it, just gradually, and the first thing you know, I didn't want her dating nobody else," Fred revealed

Christine said that they dated for more than a year before getting married.

They have four children together, living on a farm. Their eldest son, Rodney, said that his parents are an inspiration for them as children.

"They set such a tremendous example for myself and siblings and lived their life to the fullest," he said.

Christine shared a couple of things that helped them in their marriage.

"I tell him a hug in the morning and kiss at night has kept things together," she said.

But the couple revealed that prioritizing God and forgiveness are the secret of their relationship.

"We grew our children up in church and we have learned to trust in the Lord," Fred stated.

According to Pew Research Center (PRC), the U.S. marriage rate in 2017 has declined by 8% since 1990 while the divorce rate rose among older Americans.

The center said that 10 for every 1,000 married adults ages 50 and above had divorced in 2015. A 100% increase in 1990. In addition, the divorce rate among married couples ages 65 and older has risen for about three times since 1990.

Americans cited eight reasons for wanting to marry, including love, lifelong commitment, companionship, having children, a relationship recognized in a religious ceremony, financial stability and legal rights and benefits.

88% of Americans responded that love is the most important reason to marry while marrying for legal rights and benefits was the least with 23%.

PRC's 2017 survey showed that 71% of Americans believe that a good husband needs to be a good financial provider while 32% said such for a woman to be a good wife.

However, based on the record of the United States Census Bureau, the marriage and divorce rates in the country has declined from 2009 to 2019 for women ages 15 and above.

The bureau has recorded 16.3 new marriages for every 1,000 women, down from 17.6 in 2009. While number of divorces also declined with 7.6 in 2019 from 9.7 in 2009.

The late Evangelist Billy Graham, who was a faithful husband to Ruth for 63 years, shared that being "happily incompatible" is a good fit for a marriage.

"Being human, not one of us will ever have a relationship with another person that doesn't have a wrinkle or a wart on it somewhere. The unblemished ideal exists only in 'happily ever after' fairy tales. I think that there is some merit to a description I once read of a married couple as 'happily incompatible.' Ruth likes to say, 'If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary.' The sooner we accept that as a fact of life, the better we will be able to adjust to each other and enjoy togetherness," Rev. Graham stated.