Ex-White House Doctor Reveals How Obama Slammed Him For Raising Concerns About Biden's Cognitive Decline

President Biden enjoying his ice cream

Republican Representative Ronny Jackson of Florida has come a long way from serving in the Navy, to joining the White House as Physician to the President under former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. But one experience that stood out from his time at the White House was when he served in the Obama administration, which included then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Jackson appeared with Republican Rep. Jim Banks on the latter's podcast this week to talk about his tenure in the White House, specifically when he raised concerns over then-VP Biden's cognitive decline, WND reported.

Jackson said that before he was elected as representative earlier this year, he commented on social media about how presidents should take a cognitive test. It made sense to him, as he administered a cognitive test to ex-President Trump when he served as Physician to the President.

But when Jackson raised the very same concerns over then-Vice President Biden's cognitive decline, President Obama lambasted him. The former physician said that ex-POTUS Obama wrote "an entire page about how disappointed he was in me and how it's beneath me as a physician and beneath me as an officer in the military to be attacking Joe Biden like this."

"It was a betrayal of the trust that he and his administration put in me and he was so disappointed in me and yada, yada," Jackson recalled. "It was unbelievable."

While Jackson said he was not diagnosing who would become the U.S. President come 2021, he was not the only one who could see Biden's cognitive decline clearly. Biden would lose his train of thought, wander out onto the lawn of the White House, forget names of staff and appointees, and more.

"It's very obvious to everyone in the country right now that this guy's got some cognitive issues," Jackson said. "He's not mentally fit right now. He's 78 years old and you can see it. You don't need to be a physician to look at him and look at his behavior and some of the other stuff, and just the way he shuffles, he stares off into space."

In August, Greg Ganske wrote for the Des Moines Register that President Biden should get cognitive testing and make its results known to the public. In an op-ed, he recounted meeting the former VP, writing that "it pains me greatly to see a decline in President Biden, and it worries me."

Ganske added that his physician friends said that it's not surprising that people are questioning Biden's cognitive health, as he had "two intracerebral bleeds and a 1988 surgery for brain aneurysms," effects of which "can show up later."

Back in June, Jackson led a group of 14 Republican representatives to pen a letter to urge the Democratic leader to take a cognitive test and release the results to the public. The Republican leaders argued that "regardless of gender, age, or political party, all presidents" should take the test "to document and demonstrate sound mental abilities."