Biden Passive-Aggressively Threatens Gun-Owning Americans Who Don’t Like What The Government Is Doing

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden was reported to passively-aggressively threaten gun-owning Americans who don't like what the government is doing during his speech on new gun control measures.

Not The Bee noted how Biden was at the end of his speech when he suddenly said the government will use extensive force--"fighter jets and nuclear arsenal"--against those who do not like its administration.

"If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons," Not The Bee quoted Biden in saying.

Breaking 911, on the other hand, cited that Biden made reference to the patriotic who intend to overthrow his administration prior to stating the use of "nuclear weapons."

"Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and al the stuff about we're gonna have to move against the government," Breaking911 quoted Biden with a video clip of his speech.

On the other hand, The Blaze reported that "Biden warns Americans" by his "bizarre gun control speech" that claimed that American gun owners are not protected by the United States Constitution. The Blaze radio program host Glenn Beck said that this statement from Biden was very threatening.

"Yesterday was a very important day because (Biden) said there are radicals out there that want to destroy the government. First of all, I'm not a radical. I'm a constitutionalist. I'm an American, a proud American that recognizes the dark sides of our history, and the good sides of our history. I believe in the American people. I believe in all of us, all of us, no matter your skin color, how you were born, where you were born, (or) to whom you were born. Makes no difference. No difference," Beck stated.

"Each of us are created as individuals, and none of us have to pay for the sins of our father. We have to pay for our own sins, and believe me, brother, that's enough," he stressed. "If that makes me a radical, then fine. You can label me as one. But that's not who I am, and I don't want to overthrow the government. I just want an end to the march towards tyranny."

According to The White House Fact Sheet on the "Biden-Harris Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gun Crime and Ensure Public Safety," Biden believes that the "surge in gun violence" is already "unacceptable" and has prompted him to launch a "whole-of-government approach" beginning the summer months "to combat gun violence and other violent crime."

The fact sheet pointed out that homicides increased by 30% along with gun assaults by 8% in 2020 that show a 24% increase in homicide for the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same time the previous year.

"This strategy will use the Rescue Plan's historic funding levels and clear guidance to help state, local, territorial, and tribal governments get the money they need to put more police officers on the beat--with the resources, training, and accountability they need to engage in effective community policing--in addition to supporting proven Community Violence Intervention programs, summer employment opportunities, and other investments that we know will reduce crime and make our neighborhoods safer," the fact sheet said.

"The strategy will also address the direct link between gun violence and the rise in violent crime by taking immediate steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands, including by strengthening ATF's efforts to stem the flow of firearms used in crimes, and by launching multijurisdictional firearms trafficking strike forces to stop illegal gun trafficking across state lines," it added.

The comprehensive strategy identified six areas of implementation. Particularly, this is by stemming "the flow of fire arms used to commit violence," supporting local enforcement through "zero tolerance for rogue gun dealers," investing "in evidence-based community violence interventions," helping the successful reentry of "formerly incarcerated individuals," and "expanding summer programming" support for young adults and teenagers. Biden has given 18 months to accomplish this strategy.