Will God Love Even The Imperfect And Unwanted? Christian Author Says Yes

The Boundless Love of God Even for the Outcasts

God loves everyone who turns to Him, including those people who are deemed society's outcasts.

In her article on The Christian Post, Christina Baker, a Christian author, tackles the boundless love of the Lord Jesus Christ which He exemplified when He heeded the call of the leper who came to Him for healing.

Love Without Limits

According to the religious law of the Jews, individuals who are diagnosed with infectious diseases are considered unclean and are instructed to live alone. But the leper in Luke 5:12-15 ran to Jesus to ask for healing. Jesus, despite the man's condition, touched and healed him, showing his unconditional love to everyone who comes to Him regardless of who they are.

Empathizing with the leper, Baker underscored the years of grief, loneliness and rejection that the leper had to experience out of his disease. But Jesus turned to him with love and forgiveness when he called for Him.

"He looked the man in the eyes, and love poured through them. Jesus took hold of this man, and the moment He embraced him, the man was healed... Jesus did more than just heal him physically; He cleansed him from his sins," she said.

The author said that she felt like the leprous man herself for many years, after experiencing trauma  in childhood and her parents' divorce. She got confused of her identity and whether she is worthy of being loved, leading her to feel shame.

She argued, however, that the need for acceptance is normal as a human being. It may be challenging to find it on other people but not with God - He welcomes anyone who comes to Him just like the leper.

"We find hope in the Lord when we call on the name of Jesus; He stretches out His hand and pulls us out of the pit of despair. Jesus sympathizes with us when no one else can. He wants us when no one else does. When the rest of the world turns their backs on you, He always turns His face toward you. He desires you," Baker pointed out.

The author said that leprosy symbolizes sin which creates distance between God and man. As stated in Isaiah 59:2, the sins of man has separated him from God. But like the leper, she stressed that the LORD will never turn away a sinful person who comes to Him but will touch, remove the sin and restore him instead. John 3:16 says that because of God's great love for man, He gave Jesus Christ as the atoning sacrifice for his sins. To be saved, the only thing that man needs to do is to accept and acknowledge Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

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God's Love Is Unconditional

So many people today are losing hope simply out of rejection, causing them to hurt either themselves or others. But with God, Who is their Creator, they can find love and fulfillment in their lives only when they turn to Him for help. God is never far and is always available when one calls on Him.

In conclusion, the author shared the depth of God's love for man, citing Deuteronomy 32:10.

"God's love for you is unconditional, which means you can't do anything to earn or lose it. He loves you because He is love. Your failures and sins cannot stop Him from loving you - He loves by nature. Because you are the priceless apple of His eye, God will pursue you and never let you go," Baker declared.

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