It's Not Entertainment: Netflix Series Attacks Christianity And Sexualizes Children Using Animation

Child watching shows on TV

Episode after episode, the Netflix cartoon comedy series "F Is For Family" is a front for sexualizing children and attacking Christianity in the guise of entertainment.

CBN News reported that Michael Price and Bill Burr's creation "F Is For Family" in Netflix has not failed to show offensive content in every episode towards Christianity through the use of visual images to present obscenity to children and through the dialogue of the characters.

Particular examples showing how alarming the show's content include a conversation on Communion that the character Maureen was confused about being the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The altar boy, Jimmy, retorted "It's not supposed to make sense. It's religion." Later in that episode, "Screw Ups," Jimmy is joined by the priest character who mocks the Holy Trinity with "explicit and hyper-sexual language."

Another example is in their "Thank You So Much" episode that is a themed episode for Thanksgiving. The episode shows a parade with a donkey in one of the floats.

"One of the floats is an anatomically correct donkey that casts an obscene shadow across the faces of children as the emcee draws attention to the size of the animal's genitalia," CBN News said.

The Parents Television and Media Council said that these scenes are very similar to that of "Big Mouth" that was also shown in a series by Netflix. In a report released last September on "Big Mouth," the PTMC said the show is "qualified child pornography" and labeled it "alarming."

"After watching 10 episodes of Big Mouth Season 4 and logging the instances of explicit content...It should shock the conscience to see children sexually exploited for the sake of entertainment and financial profit, as they are on Big Mouth," the PTMC concluded in the report.

"Sadly, we would have thought wrong. There is a Big Problem with Big Mouth," they stressed.

The PTMC exposed "Big Mouth" as Netflix's means to "grooms children for sexual abuse" where every minute of the program features "almost 4 instances of sex, violence and profane, indecent, or obscene language."

Netflix was similarly criticized in the past months for containing anti-Christian content. In March, Netflix was blasted for being blasphemous due to its "Paradise PD" cartoon series where Jesus Christ is portrayed as vengeful, perverted, and bloodthirsty. The cartoon presented the crucifixion as a "loser's game" such that Jesus in the cartoon had to turn the nails into guns to kill his persecutors to win.

Newsbusters highlighted the show's use of sex- and gun-loving Jesus as a direct attack to Christianity and to the Second Amendment, as well as, to the National Rifle Association.

"Conservatives Fight Back: Contact Netflix to let them know your outrage over their release of such a blasphemous scene during Lent!" Newsbusters urged regarding the show.

The livestreaming movie provider is also known for its LGBTQ-leaning content such as its "Pray Away" documentary that was condemned by Freedom March Founder Jeffrey McCall, a previous transgender woman. The documentary spoke of McCall's experience but presented it with bias and untruthful.

Prior to "Pray Away," Netflix received global condemnation for "The First Temptation Of Christ" that not only outraged Christians but Muslims as well for portraying Christ as a member of the LGBTQ. A #BoycottNetflix campaign was launched that was able to accumulate a million signatures to cancel the station.