High-Profile Evangelical Leader Condemns Joe Biden’s ‘Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda’

Dr. Richard D. Land

A Christian college president wrote about the irony of Joe Biden's Roman Catholic faith and his massive support on abortion programs.

The president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in North Carolina, Dr. Richard D. Land, published an article in The Christian Post, where he also works as an executive editor, criticizing Biden's action on upholding abortion in the country and the world.

He noted how Biden transformed from being "Sleepy Joe," moderate and "sober antidote to the phalanx of progressively more aggressive leftist democratic presidential candidates" into "whirlwind Joe" who overturned a number of his predecessor's policies by releasing Executive Orders, one of which massively expands the federal funding of abortion in the country and overseas.

Land observed that Biden "has completely broken with his church's bedrock beliefs in the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death" but "continues to enjoy the accolades" of the press for his "devotion" and "deep faith."

He said that Biden did not only turn his back on his Catholic faith, he is also out of tune with the majority of the American people.

"According to a poll conducted this week, significant majorities of Americans of all faiths reject the radical pro-abortion agenda now being implemented with breakneck speed by that 'devout Catholic,' President Biden," he wrote.

He also spoke about Catholic Association's Ashley McGuire who addressed the "glaring contradiction" of Biden's faith and politics, saying, "If there's an area where Catholics are most confused, it's how can you be somebody who's so ardently promoting your Catholicity while at the same time adopting views that are so extremely divergent from where you Church is on the issue."

Land stated that Americans do not agree with "Biden's radical pro-abortion positions." According to a recent survey, about 60% of the American people of all beliefs and political affiliations, which include the 31% of Americans who identified themselves as "pro-choice," disagree on federal funding of abortions in the country.

 In addition, Land said that 77% of Americans oppose the federal funding for abortions abroad and only 19% of the respondents agreed, stating that they "strongly support" or "support" the program, a policy that Biden heavily upholds and just implemented.

He stated that the country is "now confronted with a pro-abortion Trojan horse like Joe Biden," 48 years after Roe v. Wade. Further, he said that the American government is supposedly "of the people, by the people, for the people" but it chose "to ignore the will of the people and to impose on the people the policies they believe should hold sway" and forced "the American people to subsidize such policies."

He is also troubled about the fact that America ranks as the 13th "most abortive nation per capita in the world," with an estimated 825,000 abortions annually.

Moreover, Land warned saying that, "This level of frustration of the people's will by ruling managerial elites will lead over time to great disillusionment with the system itself and stifle the body of Christ's efforts to be the salt and light in society that God has commanded us to be."

"In time if continually ignored, it will lead to explosive rage and resistance against a calcified political system apparently incapable in its ossified state to respond to the will of the people. Let us all covenant together to make sure that doesn't happen. The consequences of inaction are too dire to contemplate," Land concluded.