Nick Vujicic Founds Pro-Life Bank To Donate To Nonprofits ‘Aligned With The Kingdom Of God’

Nick Vujicic

To counter American banks' philanthropic efforts toward abortion, Evangelist Nick Vujicic entered into a partnership to establish a bank that will support Christian organizations.

Vujicic revealed that 90% of the banks in the country support Planned Parenthood, funding the movement of murdering unborn children. He added that an enormous amount of "God's money," coming from Christians using those banks, has been used to fund abortions.

This reality has prompted the evangelist to collaborate with Betsy Gray in founding ProLife Bank, a full-service bank that aims to give half of its profits to "Judeo-Christian-aligned-nonprofit organizations" that work on advancing God's Kingdom, The Christian Post reported.

Gray is the executive director of Network Medical Women's Center in Santa Barbara, California.

Vujicic equated establishing the bank as such of Noah saving lives during the flood, as recorded in the Bible.

"It's based on the understanding that God wants to take back His role and redistribute it through His faithful students," he added.

He revealed that during the three months of praying whether to proceed with the partnership, he encountered various forms of spiritual attacks.

"My world turned upside down," he recalled. "We had a grenade at our house; I had a false article published in a gay magazine that I fired someone from being gay. I had a lawsuit threat against me by somebody internationally. I had a spy drone above my house, and I got kicked out of a bank, all within a matter of 16 weeks after that prayer," he said.

It then occurred to him that the spiritual assaults meant that the matter is "close to the Lord's heart."

"The last 20 years of my life was sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions around the world. The next 20 years will be, preach where I can, but also bring change, tangibly," he continued.

Having born without limbs, protecting human life is a subject that is important to the evangelist.

With 77 million abortions in America, Vujicic said that he will do his part by shaking the church "to tell people that half the abortions in America are done by a Christian."

Further, he encouraged the believers to participate in political bodies and "use their voice[s] in 'taking America back for God'."

Given the possible reversal of Roe v. Wade and the establishment of 12 American sanctuary cities that prohibit abortion, the evangelist said that Christians have the capabilities to bring such change in the nation.

He added that bringing back the Bible in schools is one way of taking back America. He also spoke about the cancel culture which forces Americans "to choose one side or the other."

"We lost the war, and we're going to pay for it. But the remnant will hold," he declared.

He was also concerned that the Church is "sleeping" on the upcoming persecution and urged church leaders "to face the music" and preach the truth.

He warned that the country will have "a rude awakening". He also stated that those "who don't correct unrighteousness" are going along with the churches which "[watered] down the experience" just to reach out the lost but have "forgotten to teach them meat."

Noting that most Christians lack commitment and spiritual discernment as exposed during the pandemic, he called for the believers to base their actions on the Word of God.

Moreover, he explained that the reason why Christians battled various issues during the pandemic was because they were not taught "to memorize the Scriptures," study the Bible on their own and understand that worship is between an individual and God.

"We feel this is the time as Christians to come together and ask God to forgive us of the sins of our land," Vujicic concluded.